Limp Alley adds new virtual currency called “V” … (yawn)

So Dupped-Us (aka virtual ceo of Limp Alley) has posted Empire Avenue Introduces V!  which is a real yawner of a blog post.

LimpAlley's new virtual currency ... it's virtually worthless!The original “virtual currency” of LimpAlley – the “eave” or “e” – has been so devalued that Dupped-Us had to dream up another one — the “V” … which will soon be as worthless as the “e”.

LimpAlley’s new virtual currency … it’s virtually worthless!!!

We all know these symbols – $ € £ ¥ – to have or denote value of some meaningful sort, and even the new ₹ (Rupee) is worth a little something, but LimpAlley better hope their new V thingie does NOT get confused with the Vanuatu vatu, ‘cuz that thing ain’t worth much at all … that’s just my 2¢!!!

(e)dups, how long can you hold your breath?

yeah yeah, we all know and keep reciting that it’s just a “game”.

but EA never was all that good of a game!

however, (e)Dups and his non-dev team for the past 18 months have been hellbent on wringing out what little fun that remained in it!

the events of the past month have sealed Limp Alley’s fate – 2-tier membership, pay-to-play, even worse than before reporting and crediting of other sites, and of course the loss of Dr.D’s insideEAv which made the game somewhat playable!

the only reasons to stick around now are to see how long Dups can hold his breath and then rubber-neck the final fatal train wreck!

emp ave market-FAKER rigged to cheat players!!!

(e)Dups your market-FAKER steals from my shareprice!!!

Obviously your market-FAKER is broken – or is it just RIGGED to benefit you?!?!? – because it over-rewards your diddly-squat non-existence presence on your own game site while it steals value from other players’ shares!!!

Fix your game (e)Dups and quit cheating your players!!!

DIVs shrinks – Dups CHEATS!

funny how I keep buying more and more shares in other members, yet every morning I find that I am receiving less and less in dividends from them …

Dividend Earnings: 1640913.61e from your investments! 1 month ago
Dividend Earnings: 1903164.83e from your investments! 2 weeks ago
Dividend Earnings: 1607175.02e from your investments! 3 hours ago
I re-invest almost all (more than 95%) of my earnings directly back into my shareholders by purchasing more and more of their shares. As you can see from the numbers and chart the dividends I received each morning had been climbing, from 1.6mil eaves daily on May 26th up to over 1.9mil eaves two weeks ago on June 11th.
Beginning on June 12th with the double whammy attack on emp ave players by (e)Dups and his idiot non-development team, dividends received have plummeted severely in spite of my continued purchases of more and more shares of my shareholders!

EA DIV chart 062613

… NOT good dups!

NOT fair!!

This is you (e)Dups continuing to cheat the players of your game!!!

suck-it dups!!

nine days ago (e)dups and his idiot non-development team ripped off most of the membership of empire avenue by slashing their shareprices and then heaped on insult to the injury by also severely reducing the dividends received for investing in other members’ shares.

this massive ripoff by (e)dups resulted in more than 5.00e loss of my shareprice and more than 3 million eaves in lost dividend revenue!

this attack by (e)dups and emp ave on its members has not been taken lying down. I have battled back and as of this morning have spent nine days to recover from the arbitrary slashes to my shareprice by (e)dups and have finally risen above my previous high water mark!

EA chart 062113

currently my stats are Share Price 305.47e  ( + 0.45e ) to top my high of 305.19e prior to being dupped on June 12th!

so (e)dups … to quote the show “Psych” — SUCK IT !!!

emp ave continues member shareprice theft

this is the fifth day of empire avenue’s offensive against members to destroy their shareprice

beyond just attacking the book value of member/player’s shares, (e)dupped-us and his team of empAve idiot non-developers have also mounted an assault on dividends paid out to shareholders!

while poor decisions by (e)dupped-us and the non-development team have long been the trademark of the empire avenue game, this most recent double whammy by  (e)dupped-us must not be tolerated by the member/player community!

if you are a member/player and do not appreciate the attacks from empire avenue ceo  (e)dupped-us and the poorly conceived and terribly executed changes to the emp ave game, DON’T take it laying down!!! write  (e)dupped-us and tell him in no uncertain words that you do not like being cheated by him and his game!

emp ave … dupped by dups again!

this past week (e)dups and his idiot band of non-developers worked overtime to rob most of the members of his empire avenue game.

Dups! you still owe me at least 5.00e in shareprice for your screw-up this week!!

So get with it and repay the debts you created and quit cheating your members!!!

emp ave reaches new heights in cheating their members

Dups you and your staff better start listening to the members that contact you!  Again today YOU cheated me (and also all my shareholders) out of another 1.00 of shareprice value – that’s 4.72e in two days!  You and your pitifully poor programming have also cheated me out of over a half million in dividends over the past two days. You must fix this game and quit cheating your members or no one will want to play!  You must restore my shareprice and the lost dividends, failure to do this promptly will result in bad press plus more bad karma for you and your game!

Tripled Your Money on Empire Avenue

… twas looking over the charts on EmpAve – in particular some of the charts that only the profile owner can see – and noticed that the value of my shares have tripled over the past year!

A year ago you could have picked up my shares for about 83e’s and today those are trading just shy of 250e!!!

Here! Take a peek for yourself and then grab some of my shares for your portfolio, they might just grow to 750e or more by next year!!!


another slice of Pie

I recently bought the new emp ave Pie#9 upgrade – allows purchaser to invest in up to 900 shares of other players.

This means I will be able to add more shares of my active shareholders until I reach the new higher maXXed level.

I know that many of my shareholders are maXXed on my shares at your current level – from 200 shares up to 800, and it might be a while before you upgrade to more slices of Pie.

Please know I greatly appreciate your maXXing out of my shares at your current level! Being maXXed is BEING MAXXED regardless of how many slices of pie you have. Maxxing out at whatever level is an honorable commitment to the person you have invested in.

One reason I keep upgrading on the new pie offerings is so I can continue to reward the people that have invested in my shares and continue to hold onto my shares. I think it is better eaves spent in the game to directly invest in my active shareholders so they continue to grow instead of buying missions that only a few can participate in, and which emp ave grabs half or more of the eaves up-front just to post a mission. While it’s true that emp ave also grabs a lion’s share of the eaves spent on investing in other players’ shares – from 50% to 90% – by investing directly in my active shareholders they reap the benefits of increasing their outstanding shares, an increase in their shareprice, plus receiving the meager eaves sales commission.

Cheers Shareholders and happy investing! – MrBill